A one day workshop was organised in Athens on the 20th of March, 2009, with the objective to:
- Identify areas of emerging networking technologies;
- Assess the impact of these technologies on the networks resilience; and
- Identify emerging techniques enhancing security.
Following the workshop it was decided to establish a group of experts who will contribute in the creation of a report on research priorities in the areas of networking and information security for resilient networks.
During the meeting the following tasks were performed:
- Introduction of participants
- Presentation of ENISA work programme and expectations towards PROCENT experts group
- Presentation by experts on their areas of activities
- Resume of input received from experts before the meeting
- Discussion
- Choice of areas of interest
The expected output of the expert group will be a report that will present a number of current/emerging (networking) technologies having impact on resilience. In this respect, for each of the identified networking technologies the report is expected to:
- Present;
- Analyse their impact in terms of resilience;
- Identify gaps;
- Develop conclusions;
Following the discussion among the participants, the following five areas were identified:
- Online detection and diagnosis systems;
- Wireless networks;
- Sensor networks;
- Cloud computing;
- Integrity of supply chain.
The group agreed on the suggestion of forming subgroups working on specific areas and on identifying “care takers” for those areas.